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Main Page / Great Story / Сторінка 7

Great Story

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Не кричи на мене! Вивчаємо ненасильницке спілкування
21 October, 2021

Do not yell at me! Studying non-violent communication

Slamming the door, stamping feet, talking too much – all these actions have never had the desired effect. Oleksandra Romantsova, Executive Director of the Center for Civil Liberties and mediator, explained what non-violent communication is and how to keep healthy relationships ARE YOU CRYING? I’M ADD BY YELLING AT YOU If there is non-violent communication, […]

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Кредит довіри: які можливості банки створюють для благодійності Фото 1
21 October, 2021

Credit of trust: what opportunities do banks create for philanthropy

“What do you want to do with the change?” the replenishment terminal asks and offers to transfer money to a mobile account or to philanthropy. That’s how the machine offers a person to take the side of good. Thanks to financial apps, you can do good deeds just by pushing some buttons on your smartphone. […]

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«Драми немає»: історія ВІЛ-позитивної дівчини, для якої цей статус — не вирок Фото 7
21 October, 2021

No drama: a story of a HIV-positive woman who ruins HIV stigma and discrimination using knowledge as a tool

The spread of myths, stereotypes and lack of information about HIV is the reason why some people do not even want to admit to themselves having a disease and receive treatment. To bust the myths, we spoke with Khrystyna Shapran, a TV presenter and sex education teacher who has long known about her HIV status […]

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Без кордонів та вчителів: як мистецтво сприяє інклюзії? Фото 2
21 October, 2021

Without borders and teachers: how does art promote inclusion?

Ukrainian art studios believe that art is a universal language that enables people with disabilities, autism and Down syndrome to work on an equal footing with professional artists. Here we present some of them. As early as in the 1940s the art created by people with mental disorders became known as l’art brut (“raw” or […]

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Гідно і чесно: музей, який розповідає історії дітей війни
20 October, 2021

With dignity and honesty: a museum that tells stories of children of war

The Museum of War Childhood exhibition opened on 23 June at the Museum of History of Kyiv. The project team talked to the children of Donbas and Crimea, retold their stories and showed the objects with which the heroes associate their own military childhood. The exhibition is open until 12 July. The journalist of Media […]

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Медіа Великих Історій
20 October, 2021

Act locally: how local philanthropy works

The best things are often born when people do not wait for a mythical superhero to come solve their problem, but undertake to improve life around themselves. We share inspiring examples of such Ukrainian initiatives. English school for children from low-income families in Sumy, the center of leisure and integration of migrants and the Kramatorsk […]

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Як я протягом місяця робила добрі справи та ще й заробила на цьому
20 October, 2021

Experiment: how I have done good deeds for a month and what was the result of it

You can be a benefactor only if you have a lot of free time or money. This myth is still full of power, but we will try to bust it. Our journalist was doing good deeds for a month in order to spend a minimum of time and money on them – and that’s what […]

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Завдання виконано: навіщо потрібен психолог на війні та після неї Фото 2
20 October, 2021

The mission is complete: why do we need a psychologist during the war and after it

Military psychologist Andrii Kozinchuk was at the frontline and goes there every year because no one knows how important the mission of people in his profession is. However, there are many nuances in the psychological support of the military, and there are very few specialists in this field in Ukraine. Read below why this happened […]

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Мільйони доларів за дитяче життя: що таке СМА і як її лікують
20 October, 2021

Millions of dollars for a child’s life: what is SMA and how is it treated

НIn late May, the parents of little Dmytro Svichynskyi from Odesa raised $2 million for an injection that could cure him of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). In the spring this year, one-and-a-half-year-old Eva Korolenko who was diagnosed with SMA, won free injection of the world’s most expensive drug Zolgensma in a lottery. What is SMA, […]

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На мільйон: чи варто благодійникам апелювати до негативних емоцій?
20 October, 2021

Causes worth a million: shall charity workers appeal to negative emotions?

A photo with a hungry African boy, a candid video about a sick child from Ukraine… Should charity workers appeal to negative emotions to attract more donors? This question is hotly debated, but recently researchers have become increasingly confident that addressing negative emotions is generally a losing strategy. Even if we do not take into […]

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Не Мері Попінс: як це — працювати у центрі для людей з ментальними порушеннями
20 October, 2021

Not Marry Poppins: how does it feel to work in a center for people with mental disorders

Why it’s better not to the term “rain people” and do all people with autism like to sit in their favorite place, like Sheldon Cooper? Why it’s better not to simplify the situation and think that when you understand one person with a certain condition you have understanding of everyone who has a similar condition? […]

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ранні пташки фото 2
20 October, 2021

Early birds: everything you didn’t know about pre-term babies

According to statistics, one in ten children do not wait full 9 months, but want to be born earlier. In many cases, mothers are not ready for this. The clinic, either, as the clinics often lack necessary equipment. We talked to Oleksandra Baliasna, the founder of Early Birds NGO, to outline the problem and share […]

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Can a date be turned into a good deed?
20 October, 2021

Can a date be turned into a good deed?

Media of Great Stories continue to tell how creative Ukrainians use talent for charity. Oleksandr Hrekhov, illustrator Case: posters for No Waste Ukraine, UAnimals, Different: Equal Doing good is like a pleasant addiction My first client in my career, when I made an illustration for someone else rather than for myself was Sirius Homeless Animal […]

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