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Main Page / Great Story / Сторінка 6

Great Story

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Доступне місто: чотири проєкти, які руйнують бар'єри Фото 3
07 February, 2022

Do it yourself: four local crowdfunding platforms that change Ukrainian cities

What kind of future is possible when it is being directly influenced by the public? A city is changing when representatives of the business sector, of local authorities and civil society join their forces for this purpose. It is changing when its citizens are aware of the fact that one cannot rely upon the state. […]

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Замість сотень корів і тон цукру: якими були стипендії для студентів у 19-20 століттях?
19 January, 2022

Instead of hundreds of cows and tons of sugar: what was the scholarship allowance like back in the 19th-20th centuries?

What did students of the previous century call ‘a happy and a free ticket to life’, what kind of work did they look for and with the help of what philanthropists did they receive education? Nearly 150 years ago the rector of the Kyiv University Mykola Bunge pointed out that more and more students applied […]

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Що трапилося з українськими благодійниками і меценатами у 20 столітті Фото 6
17 January, 2022

What happened to Ukrainian benefactors and philanthropists in the 20th century

At the beginning of the 20th century the charitable cause in the Ukrainian lands was gathering much steam. The number of philanthropic initiatives was increasing, as was that of philanthropists and benefactors. One would think that society was gradually tackling main social problems (famine, orphanhood, poverty, etc.). However, a long tradition of charity in Ukraine […]

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Поза увагою: чому варто надавати психологічну допомогу людям поважного віку Фото 3
07 January, 2022

Disregarded: Why we should provide psychological aid for older people

The problem of a psychological state of other people is underestimated with the society often growing oblivious to it. Natalia Bondarenko, who is a psychologist and expert in developmental psychology and who also holds the position of a Chairwoman of the Board of the Foundation for Supporting Older People ‘Vik Schastia’ (the Ukrainian for ‘The […]

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Як «Олені Святого Миколая» повертають свято до сірої зони Фото 6
30 December, 2021

How ‘St. Nicholas Reindeer’ brings back holidays to the grey zone

Small towns situated close to the front line can hardly be considered as places where one would like to spend their childhood. Explosions and the sound of shooting can be heard all around. There were times when shells landed on people’s houses. Hardly anyone ventures into this zone. Nothing happens here. However, it is here […]

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Мода на екологічність: українські дизайнери та апсайклінг
22 December, 2021

Vogue For All Things Eco-friendly: Ukrainian Designers And Upcycling

Meet the Ukrainian designers who promote world fashion.  The fashion industry is beautiful, expensive and … harmful. In 2012 Natural Science published a report which said that the fabric industry is the second biggest water pollutant in the world after the agricultural sector. With the passing of time journalists started finding out that the fashion industry is […]

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Від кризи до можливості
10 December, 2021

From crisis to opportunity: how can philanthropy accelerate sustainable change?

Every May-June the European Foundation Centre (EFC) invites about 250 member organizations to the biggest European conference dedicated to institutional charity. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020-conference had to be postponed until the end of October 2020. The team of Zagoriy Foundation paid their first visit to such kind of a conference. Head of the partnership […]

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Спочатку був кекс: рецепт сталості від Good Bread from Good People Фото 8
07 December, 2021

In the beginning was the cupcake: Good bread from good people share the recipe of maturity

How to open a social business and not burn out? The Good Bread from Good People bakery in Kyiv has been operating for four years and employing people with mental disabilities for the same time. It is one of the most sustainable social enterprises in Ukraine and one of the few that have been operating […]

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Good as a gift: why benefactors need souvenirs? Фото 2
02 December, 2021

Good as a gift: why benefactors need souvenirs?

Can souvenirs help charity be fashionable? We collected the most interesting cases from well-known foundations and found out why they create merch and what results they get. Adopt a panda – World Wildlife Fund The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) offers to symbolically take care of an animal. It can be, say, a polar bear, a […]

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Великий початок: діти питають благодійників Фото 5
30 November, 2021

The great start: children ask professionals from the charity sector

What do children know about charity? What do they want to ask about good deeds?We decided to talk to children of all ages and pass their questions to representatives of charitable foundations. Varia, 8 years old 1. I want to do a good deed. What to start from? Liubov Rainchuk, Head of the Culture of […]

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Навпомацки: музей, де вчать відчувати Фото 7
30 November, 2021

By touch: a museum where they teach you to feel

What is it like to live in the dark? And how does a person feel when s/he loses the ability to see? The answer this question, Media of Great Stories decided to visit the museum 3 past midnight where all tours are held in complete darkness and accompanied by blind guides. Feelings in the dark […]

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ONUKA дала голос німецький архітекторці: розповідаємо, навіщо фото 7
25 November, 2021


A much anticipated presentation of a multimedia project ’Ukrainian constructivism’ took place on November, 15, with the involvement of a team of researchers, musicians and artists from Ukraine and Denmark. Here’s more about the project, why it is of importance and where you can see it.  There has always been much tension around the issue […]

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Наука добра — пояснюють біологиня та психотерапевт
21 October, 2021

The theory behind philanthropy – explained by a biologist and a psychotherapist

Why do people do good deeds and is there a gene for altruism? Where does this need come from? What happens in the body at the cellular level when we do a good deed? We sought answers from: cell biologist Olha Maslova cognitive behavioral psychotherapist Yevhen Piletskyi Cell biologist, scientist and popular science communicator Olha […]

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