Supporting the Cyborgs: how a foundation raises funds for prostheses for soldiers
The war in Ukraine has entered 9th year, with the needs faced by the military growing. Their adaptation is of great importance. The foundation ‚Hromadyanyn‘ (the Ukrainian for ‚a citizen‘ – translator’s note) has launched the program called ‚Cyborgs‘ aimed at taking care of the soldiers who are in need of prostheses. We talked to […]
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23 May, 2023
Engineering thought: how Canadian benefactors make prosthetics for Ukrainians
The Victoria Hand Project was launched eight years ago in Canada by engineers. Its main goal is to help provide arm prosthetics for those who have lost upper limbs. To solve this issue a 3-D prosthetic technology has been developed as well as a system for search of partners in different countries. Engineers share their […]
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23 May, 2023
‚Unbroken’. How the national rehabilitation center works
The loss of an arm or a hand has unfortunately become an everyday reality for many Ukrainians. The military personnel sustain wounds on the front, while civilians suffer injuries on mine-contaminated territories. However, modern prosthetic technologies come to the rescue. Our piece is about the national rehabilitation center ‚Unbroken‘ in Lviv, where adults and children […]
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20 October, 2021
Daryna Brykailo, “We united because we wanted to change something”
In the new episode of Podcast of Great Stories, we talked to Daryna Brykailo, co-founder of the Inspiration Family Foundation for Support of Adult Cancer Patients. Daryna told how a group of like-minded people went from friendly initiatives united by working on a common theme to creating a joint foundation. The Inspiration Family Foundation works […]