Zagoriy Foundation is the first private charitable foundation to provide financial support to the UCF. Why is it important to develop philanthropy in the field of culture?
First, the art reflects the soul and history of society, it also helps us better understand ourselves, our roots, as well as to represent Ukraine in the world and build diplomatic relations.
Second, cultural and creative industries account for 4.5% of world GDP with a growth forecast of 10% per year (data from the 2017 Culture and Creativity Program survey). That is, the support of culture is – among other things – a contribution to the tourist and investment attractiveness of individual cities, regions or entire countries.
Quality effective partnerships are an important condition for the development of a culture of charitable giving. One of such partnerships is surely the cooperation between Zagoriy Foundation and the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.
UCF and Zagoriy Foundation: a history of cooperation
In early 2020, Zagoriy Foundation and the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation signed a Memorandum of Partnership and Cooperation.
The cooperation resulted in the support of two projects: the online platform “Virtual trips to the monuments of archeology and history of Poltava region” and Encyclopedia of Architecture of Ukraine.
Encyclopedia of Architecture of Ukraine is a multimedia online platform that explores the interaction of architecture and society. This project is like an online documentary series about the architecture of Ukraine, which consists of three major seasons: State, Economy and Law.
You can learn more about the project here.
Virtual trips to the monuments of archeology and history of Poltava region is an interactive map of Poltava region with ‘digitized’ monuments of archeology and history. The project is designed to tell about tourist attractions of Poltava region in an online format.

In 2021, the UCF and Zagoriy Foundation continued cooperation stipulated by the Memorandum for promoting philanthropy in the field of culture. Wait for news about the results of the partnership in the near future.
Eugenia Mazurenko, Director of Zagoriy Foundation:
“Cultural heritage is the foundation on which the present stands and the future is built. The role of culture for society cannot be underestimated. That is why we continue to support art projects in cooperation with the UCF team.”