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Main Page / Authors / Anton Protsiuk
Княгиня-меценатка: Анастасія Заславська

Anton Protsiuk

Author of special projects of the Media of Great Stories

Articles: 6

Author, analyst and civic sector manager. Anton is the founder of the Old York Times project, which brings interesting stories and important ideas from the English language media space to the Ukrainian language space. Anton is also the editor and administrator of the Ukrainian-language section of Wikipedia and the program coordinator of the NGO Wikimedia Ukraine.

Anton Protsiuk

From new to old
Cправжнє ім’я та справжні культурні подвиги митрополита Шептицького Фото 3
21 October, 2021

The real name and real cultural feats of Metropolitan Archbishop Sheptytsky

Andrei Sheptytsky is one of the most outstanding spiritual leaders in the history of Ukrainian people. He led the Greek Catholic Church for almost 45 years, from the boom in Ukrainian national development in the early 1900s to Nazi occupation and the establishment of Soviet rule in the 1940s. For many decades, Metropolitan Archbishop Sheptytsky […]

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Галшка Гулевичівна: фундаторка Києво-Могилянської академії і меценатка православної культури Фото 3
21 October, 2021

Halshka Hulevychivna: founder of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and patron of Orthodox culture

Halshka Hulevychivna is an outstanding philanthropist for her time, a person who today would be called a “charity trendsetter”. The benefactor’s support paved the way for the establishment of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Halshka Hulevychivna made it into history primarily due having made a gift –  an estate with lands on Kyiv’s Podil – which happened […]

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Князі Острозькі: хто і навіщо заснував «волинські Атени»? Фото 3
20 October, 2021

Princes of Ostroh: Who and why founded the “Volyn Athens”?

The Ostroh Academy and the Ostroh Bible are just a small part of what the “uncrowned kings” of the Ostroh family are remembered for. Rephrasing the researcher Vasyl Ulyanovskyi, the image of princes patrons and enlighteners was firmly attached to the Ostroh during their lifetime and survived for centuries to come, even in Soviet times. […]

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Родина Симиренків: американська мрія на український лад Фото 2
20 October, 2021

The Symyrenko family: an American dream, Ukrainian style

Everyone knows who wrote the great Kobzar. But who made the book be published? Look for this and other great examples of philanthropy in a concise yet fascinating story of life of the Symyrenko family. The sons of entrepreneur Fedir Symyrenko Platon and Vasyl are classic figures in the history of Ukrainian patronage. One of […]

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Терещенки: цукрові імператори і грандіозні меценати
20 October, 2021

Tereshchenko: sugar emperors and grand patrons

In his youth, Mykola Tereshchenko had no money for good education, yet in several decades, he became one of the richest entrepreneurs in Russian Empire. The keys to success were the hard work and the development of entrepreneurial talent. Having earned large fortunes, the Tereshchenko family did not skimp on donations. On the contrary, they […]

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На мільйон: чи варто благодійникам апелювати до негативних емоцій?
20 October, 2021

Causes worth a million: shall charity workers appeal to negative emotions?

A photo with a hungry African boy, a candid video about a sick child from Ukraine… Should charity workers appeal to negative emotions to attract more donors? This question is hotly debated, but recently researchers have become increasingly confident that addressing negative emotions is generally a losing strategy. Even if we do not take into […]

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